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eT4® META - StaticMaps
Entry Point 
PNG-Image JPG-Image
Creates a static map image based on latlong or hashlink.
Parameter Type Description
bbox String bbox=w,s,e,n (in wgs84):
experience (-> eT4.META-search:experience) String The experience specifies the name of the project data pool to be used.  (obligatory)
hashlink String Hashlinks, It is possible to pass a comma-seperated hashlink-list.
lat (-> eT4.META-search:latitude) Double Current position sorted by distance. Has to be combined with the longitude - parameter.
lon (-> eT4.META-search:longitude) Double Current position sorted by distance. Has to be combined with the latitude - parameter.
tilezoom Integer Defines the tilezoom (used with bbox-param)
width Integer Target image width in pixel.
height Integer Target image height in pixel.
project String StaticMaps-project that shall be used to render the image.
zoom Integer Override zoom level for staticmaps-handler if needed.
Sample 1:

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